meet STABL
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our process

How we work?


Custom protocols designed based on patients goals, environment, and lifestyle


Patient's complete daily exercises and weekly assessments to regain strength and mobility


Monitor patient recovery and adjust treatment as per need


Recover without leaving your home

Placeholder imagePatient's ROM being tracked by Stabl platform
Easy-to-use Computer Vision
Lab-validated computer vision for rehab that runs on any laptop
Personalized Recovery
Follow a program that is specifically designed for you and will help you reach your goals
Placeholder imageDaily overview for a patient
Save Time and Money
No more sitting in traffic for short follow up appointments. With shared data, appointments can now be done via telehealth
Stay Connected
Feel comfortable knowing your trusted medical team is looking over you throughout your recovery
Placeholder imageDaily overview for a patient

Work with your team to support patient-centric care

Placeholder imageDoctor's portal laying out patient plan
Effective Treatment
Validated recovery protocols designed by orthopaedic surgeons and physical therapists to generate positive outcomes
Analytics & Reporting
Analyze data through custom reports and dashboards to accelerate quality improvement
Adherence data being collected and displayedAdherence data being collected and displayed
Remote Patient Monitoring
Use alerts and dashboards to monitor patients and intervene sooner for patients at-risk
Increase Engagement
Stabl provides detailed analytics and feedback to empower patients and boost engagement
Adherence data being collected and displayedAdherence data being collected and displayed
VHAMatterBiomedical ZoneSt. Michael's


Average revenue increase.
Cursus semper consectetur aliquam porttitor. Nec viverra risus, orci pulvinar egestas.


Sites created since 2002.
Eu iaculis placerat sapien eget dui, lobortis. Amet risus risus purus.


Working for you for almost 2 decades.
Suscipit ultrices elit venenatis tristique. Lobortis nullam posuere sed lectus eu.
the numbers
Average revenue increase.
Sites created since 2010.
We’ve been doing this for a while.
Locations in NYC, SF + LA

Join our network of providers to bring the best to your practice.

Differentiate your practice with cutting edge innovation for your patients

Let's Get In Touch
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